Needles of the pines are borne in bundles of two or more along the twigs and are relatively long in comparison to the short needled spruce and firs. The growth rate of pines is rapid. They require aggressive shearing to produce the full symmetrical shape of a quality Christmas tree. Needle retention on cut pines is excellent.
Scotch Pine - Scotch pine, a two needled pine native to Europe and Asia is the most widely planted Christmas tree species in Ohio. There is considerable genetic variability in the species, with foliage color, needle length, stem straightness and growth rate, dependent upon the area from which the seed was collected. Scotch pine responds well to shearing and produces high quality trees. An 8 foot Christmas tree is grown in 7 to 9 years.
Here at Timberwind, Scotch Pine is a popular tree in high demand. We will have several hundred trees available each year for the foreseeable future.
White Pine - Eastern White Pine is a five-needled pine native to southern Canada, the Lake States and the eastern United States. Branches are slender and flexible. Needles are soft and pliable. Demand for White Pine as a Christmas tree is increasing in Ohio. An 8 ft. tree can be produced in 7 to 9 years.
Because of the increased popularity of White pine with Timberwind customers, we have been planting more of this variety. We have many 3 to 5 ft White pines that will assure us of a continuous supply.
Scotch Pine
Needles on Spruces are short, ranging from ¾ to 1 ¼” long. Spruces are slow growing, especially during the first few years after planting. After becoming well established their growth can become quite rapid. Needle retention on Spruce is not as good as with pine or fir.
Norway Spruce - In the past Norway Spruce , a native of Europe, was one of the most widely planted Christmas Trees in Ohio. It is beautifully shaped, responds well to shearing, and has sturdy, yet flexible branches that allow ample room for decorations. Because of its rather poor needle retention commercial planting of the species has declined in Ohio. It is still popular in the Choose and Cut market.
At Timberwind Norway Spruce remains one of our most desirable Christmas trees. Demand is so great that most trees are sold before they reach a height of 6 ft. We don’t recommend cutting these trees before Dec 6, but If you do, make sure to keep the tree well watered.
Norway Spruce
Needles of the true firs are borne singly along the twigs and are usually fairly short and rounded at the tips. The basic conical form of trees is good. They require some shearing in order to produce high quality Christmas trees. Needle retention on cut fir trees is excellent. Like the Spruce, growth of Fir trees is much slower than for the pines.
Fraser, Canaan, Concolor, and Douglas Fir - These species of fir, including Douglas which is not a true fir, have similar Christmas tree characteristics. The needles are short, typically ½ to 1 inch in length, The limbs are sturdy and needles vary in color from blue-green to green. Fraser fir is identified by white bands on the underside of its needles. An 8 ft fir tree can be grown In 9 to 14 years. Firs make a premium quality Christmas tree, but because of their slow growth, they also demand a premium price.
At Timberwind we started planting Canaan, Fraser, and Concolor fir in the late 1990's. At this time, we have a good selection of these trees in the 5-6 foot range with a few of them approaching 7 feet. If you would like a taller fir tree, we have a few 6-12' Fraser firs shipped in from Wisconsin
Fraser Fir
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